Yesterday Matt Jabs of Debt Free Adventure out of Lansing, Michigan asked a question on Twitter that intrigued enough to respond. My response was actually included in his recent post (here).
Here’s the question as posted on his twitter timeline:

So what was my response?
LRG of Financial Family Life testified:
sacrificed: HD TV & DVR, blessing: watched too much TV anyway! now more family time

To elaborate...
Just before our son was born, we, my wife and I, made the decision to drop the following:
• Movie Channels
• Extended Cable

How was this a blessing? Basically, I have come to realize as our son is approaching 2 years old and #2 is on the way, that the less TV there is to watch, the more time you have to spend with you family. Do we miss HDTV, yes (looking at antennas now for FREE ota). Do we miss the movie channels, no. Do we miss the DVR, absolutely! But it’s all worth it! Especially when you can cut your cable TV service by 50%!

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  1. Matt Jabs // June 8, 2009 at 10:24 AM  

    Thanks for elaborating on your Frugalfice! Getting rid of or lessening the amount of TV we watch has been a huge blessing for my wife & I.

    Read about how we cut our satellite TV.